2. Whenever my grandmother was asked how she was doing, she'd say, "Fabulous! Never better." That's just too good a catchphrase not to use for a blog. Also, half the time she said it, she was lying her stylish ass off. My goal is to be able to say "F! NB" and mean it. And maybe even get you to say it, too.
3. I need a road map to fabulousness. Nana was my original role model, but if I try to emulate her, I'll look like a Mad Men hangover. How does a woman dress age appropriately while logging on to Facebook? As I mature (I don't use the term "get older"; older than whom, exactly?), I need advice on big life issues, such as whether it's okay for me to wear motorcycle boots at age 47. And not just okay, like, Can-I-get-away-with-it okay, because that's not really okay. I mean, is it attractive, or do I just look like I missed last call at the Limelight in 1992 and never left? I'll try to get experts to weigh in.
4. I can't type and eat at the same time, so blogging may keep me from developing the dreaded mature woman potbelly (please God).
5. I
Until next time, chicas fabulosas.
This is the way I'd love to dress like, all the time. Unforch, this outfit costs more than I've made in the past few months. Also, I work at home; whose gonna see me wearing this Angelina Jolie-as-Salt getup?
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