Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fabulousness and All Things French: What's Up With That?

I hear microblogging is the big thing these days--now you just Tweet and Tumbl your life in bitty sentences and tiny URLs. I love brevity--in theory. I'll try to make it a practice here.

A trend I've noticed among fabulous women (read: those of us over 40) is a penchant for all things French. Trips to Paris. Books on how we American women can be more like French women. And, of course, French fashion.

Why all the hoo-ha (as Mom would say) about les trucs francaises? It's simple: the French love their women--no matter what their age. And French women, being so honored, never stop being sexy. They also dress stylishly at every stage of life; they never give up and give in to elastic waistbands, figuring "why bother?"Why? Because sooner or later, you're going to run into a reflective surface somewhere, and you want to like what you see. That goes for any age, but especially when your looks are changing. Becoming more mature doesn't necessarily mean losing your looks; I, for one, think I'm far cuter now than when I was younger.

I spent my 40th birthday in Paris, and if there's anyone under 40 reading this, I'm telling you right now: book that birthday flight. To me, Paris is a not-so-young-ladies' finishing school, where I learned how to eat properly--i.e., avec enjoyment and sans guilt; to flirt without overanalyzing all the fun out of it; and how to dress.

Et voila: Straight from the best catwalk in the world--the streets of Paris--here are some fashion notes I took on my 40th birthday. It doesn't even matter that they're from 7 years ago; French fashion, like brevity to get one's point across, never goes out of style.


  1. As always, I adore and devour everything you write, knowing it is good for me, and less fattening!! Vous êtes la reine de tout ce qui vous tous les jours et mon admiration pour votre croissance, très bonne, je peux maintenant expirez et relâchez la "Le Frump" Merci Madame!!

  2. She writes AND draws! Who knew? Love the post, love the illos.

  3. Merci, mes bellezas... Oh dear, I'm speaking Spench again.
